Authentic Assessment- Motivation to learn.

The importance of Authentic Assessment is crucial in allowing all students the opportunity to demonstrate their learning and understanding is knowledge in action. Authentic Assessment in Health and Physical Education allows students to develop essential health literacy and apply movement competencies in new situations where they are appropriate. A strong emphasis of student progress, learning, reflection and achievement is effective in students assessment as learning.

Teacher pedagogical attitudes towards assessment must continue to evolve and allow all students in assessment the opportunity to take personal responsibility for the outcomes and the achievement in their learning goals. Teachers need to provide rich, flexible, nurturing, inclusive and “meaningful learning opportunities in an environment where everyone has the right to belong” (Tripp, Rizzo & Webbert, 2007, as cited in Health and Physical Education).

Authentic assessment must have a purpose to be more than just relevant but also allows all students to make those deep learning connections and understandings in their learning. I believe students are motivated by not just assessment as learning, but also the personal success and by competence. It we can find authentic assessment tasks that motivate our students through a combination of effort and success this has enormous benefits for teacher-student relationships in learning achievements.

This link (Jonesy the Teacher) below provides some important information on authentic assessment:

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